Collaborative Leadership – Peaceful Resolution During a Time of Turmoil

I could tell you who I plan to vote for right now but I am not going to because it is no one else’s business but mine. Am going to vote my own conscience according to my own set of beliefs, wants, and values. Let’s all vote our conscience when it comes time. Maybe what underlies our different opinions on candidates and parties though, is an inherent desire for peace in this world. At least I observe, that is what we all seem to claim wanting on our Facebook profiles? Do any of you want your family members killed by warfare or worse yet rampant violence by victims of disillusionment which we have seen under the name of “terror”? I sure as hell don’t. Not my son. How could any parent want their daughter or son murdered by the warfare of either kind?
Regardless of what side of the political fence we lean towards, why don’t we each command our prospective candidate of choice to follow best practices of human relationships: the same practices we clinicians and personal growth coaches/leaders across the planet agree upon as effective. These best practices are transcendent enough to bridge the divide. Let’s demand that our leaders create what we call in conflict resolution model, “win/win” solutions or otherwise known as “Collaboration”.
Please stick with me and try to understand this approach I am proposing with an open mind, if you will. It is really quite simple and built/constructed to serve the greater good of ALL. Doesn’t each of us deep down want everyone to win in this life? If not, we are still pretty immature and probably need some lessons in humility. But short of that, most everyone I know says they believe in support between people and peace. So let’s put our vote where our hearts and real values lie and again demand that our candidate of choice moves towards the Collaborative Leadership style. So how exactly is the win/win approach applicable in this election and to world politics?
Here is a basic explanation:
In leadership style, if a person leads from compete/compete mode, then there will always be a victor and victim. Again who amongst any of us aspires to be a victim in life? Not anyone who I know or have ever met in the 30+ years I have been an entrepreneur, psychotherapist, or program manager. Therefore, compete/compete mode is an insult to everyone’s dignity and even unethical if you will because it causes the death of the human spirit for the one who is victimized. It is angry disillusioned victims who feel perpetrated against that eventually snap and go after their perceived perpetrators. Instead of contributing to such violence by supporting our potential candidates to be in compete/compete control mode, let’s requires them to collaboratively lead instead. Collaboration requires high assertiveness plus high cooperation. We must work to uncover the underlying needs/wants/values which underlie every challenge in our societies. Once all parties get to communicate, be heard, and decipher what these needs/values/wants are, everyone experiences being included and is then prepared to creatively find win/win solutions. It is about communicating a perceived, honest desire for human inclusiveness, connection and value. When people in any situation are treated in this mutually respectful manner, it naturally and inherently breeds willingness to find win/win solutions to every and any problem, resulting in satisfaction and fulfillment for ALL.
In conclusion, please join me in asking our candidates to stop promoting fear and divisiveness which is stirring up the “troubled at heart”. Instead, let’s require them to implement mutual respect/collaboration on every level of their organization/campaign. Would love to see the debates this fall happen between two mature, intelligent, ethical candidates trying to outdo each other to prove to the American public that they are inclusive in their leadership style thus embracing best practices Vs. competitive, mean-spirited, controlling, grandiose and egotistical. The former is a demonstration of true confidence/healthy ego and strength while the latter is proof of unconsciousness, emotional disturbance, insecurity, and weakness of spirit. Those are the real ills of society that must be healed with time, care, and conscious attention. In this way, we may all become honored as Victors of our own fate together in the community rather than Victims to the circumstances of life. Thank you for reading to the end of this post, I truly appreciate the choice you made to do so!